Accounting Basics for Beginners to Learn

This article will introduce you to some essential accounting principles, ideas, and terminology. You’ll learn words like revenue, expense, asset, liability, income statement, statement of cash flows, balance sheet, etc. Fundamentally speaking, the major goal of financial accounting is to provide meaningful financial information to individuals or groups, both within and outside the businesses, who are sometimes referred to as external users.

Accounting Basics for Beginners to Learn

What is Accounting:

Accounting is documenting, organizing, analyzing, and summarising a business’s financial transactions. An organization’s management may better grasp its financials with the help of proper accounting. They might use this information to manage their upcoming expenses effectively to maximize profit. Numerous Free certificate courses are available to assist you in studying the subject and comprehending its fundamentals.

Basic Accounting Terms

To comprehend the topic effectively, one needs to be familiar with the following terms, which are standard in company accounting. Before moving on to accounting processes and regulations, this lesson intends to help the learner comprehend these often-used terms.

Transaction: An event or commercial activity that includes exchanging money or money’s value between parties is a transaction. The incident affects a person’s financial situation and may be assessed in terms of money.

Profit: The extra money above costs is the surplus over sales profit. It can be calculated for every transaction of the whole company.

Loss: Loss is the result of expenses outpacing revenue. It might be computed for each transaction or the whole firm.

Asset: An asset is a resource that a company owns to utilize to produce future profits. Both physical and intangible assets are assets.

Liability: A liability is a monetary debt that must be paid in the future. It shows how much money the company owes to other parties.

Capital:  Capital is the sum a business’s owners have put into it. It is what the owner or other company partners invest as money, products, or other assets in the business activity.

Debtor: The entire amount that a client owes to a firm for items purchased on credit, services provided, or other contractual obligations is known as the “sundry debtor,” “trade debtor,” “trade payable,” or “book debtor” debt. To put it another way, debtors are those from whom a firm must recoup funds for items sold or services provided on credit.

Creditor: A creditor is someone to whom a company owes money or equivalent. For instance, money is payable to a supplier of products or services. In general, creditors are categorized as Current Liabilities.

Capital Expenditure: The cost paid to purchase a fixed item that will be utilized for a long time to generate profits.

Revenue expenditure: This sum shows the costs spent to produce the current period’s revenue. The advantages of revenue costs are used up in the year they are incurred, such as maintenance, insurance, staff salaries and compensation, travel, etc. The decline in profit or surplus is the outcome of the revenue expenditure. It is included in the income statement.

What Are the Golden Rules of Accounting?

By using the golden rules, people better comprehend how debits and credits are applied to the three different kinds of accounts.

The guidelines are as follows:

Credit What Leaves, Debit What Enters (Real Accounts)

This regulation is applied to a business’s assets, including money, real estate, buildings, machinery, furniture, and other items.

Credit the Giver, Debit the Receiver (Personal Accounts)

This regulation, such as bank transaction, cover transactions between individuals or organizations.

Credit all income and gains. Debit all costs and losses (Nominal Accounts)

Salaries, sales, purchases, and commissions are costs and revenue that fall within this criterion.

What Is the Importance of Accounting?

  • Every transaction must be accurately documented and accounted for to ensure the accuracy of a company’s financial accounts. If not, a business may believe it has more or fewer earnings or cash flow than it does. A corporation may subsequently have major issues due to inaccurate reporting, including the inability to pay debts or the lack of accessible funds for investments.
  • Additionally, inaccurate reporting might lead to legal issues with other parties like investors or the IRS (Internal Revenue Service).

Goals and Purpose of Accounting

Let’s go through the main aims of accounting:

  • Accounting is done to maintain organized records of financial activities. The main goal of accounting is to facilitate the systematic collection of financial data for accurate and meaningful financial statement findings.
  • To determine profitability, we may use accounting to assess the gains and losses made within a particular accounting period. We can quickly ascertain a firm’s profit or loss using a trading and profit and loss account.
  • To establish the company’s financial situation: A balance sheet or statement of affairs shows a company’s financial situation as of a certain date. A correctly prepared balance sheet provides the following:
  1. Information on the kind and value of assets.
  2.  The type and amount of liabilities.
  3. The firm’s financial situation.

This enables us to assess the soundness of any firm organization swiftly.

  • To aid in decision-making: Accurate financial accounts are necessary for making long-term choices. Making the appropriate judgments at the right time is one of accounting’s primary goals. Therefore, accounting provides a platform to use historical data to prepare for the future.
  • Business entities like businesses, trusts, and societies are managed and administered by several legislative acts to comply with the law. Every company house is also subject to several tax rules (direct and indirect taxes). Everybody is required by the laws of the nation to keep and maintain various forms of accounts and records. Accounting aids in legally conducting business.


Producing financial information is a definition of accounting. It implies that accounting makes it possible for us to examine how much you make, how much you are worth, how much you spend, and where you can make improvements to generate even more money!

 You can learn more from free Accounting courses, which will help you understand its concepts better. You can also earn free Accounting certificates on completing the programs.

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