12 Fast Growing Jobs That Will Never Go Away

As technology grows and we become more comfortable with things like automation and AI, some people are concerned about job security. While technology will undoubtedly change the way certain jobs are performed and how much human intervention is needed, there are jobs that will always require a human touch.

So, what jobs will never go away? Fortunately, there are many jobs that can only be performed by humans. Furthermore, even jobs that can be made more effective by automation or AI will still need humans to work side-by-side with technology. 

Before you start worrying about robots monopolizing the job market, let’s take a look at what jobs will never go away so we can get a better picture of future career outlooks.

Dentist examining a patient’s teeth

 Source: Unsplash

What Jobs Are At Risk of Replacement?

While there are jobs that surely won’t disappear anytime soon, there are others that are at greater risk of being replaced. These jobs won’t necessarily disappear, but due to automation, they might see a dramatic change in how they are performed and how many people are needed to fill these types of jobs.

Jobs that involve a lot of routines and are repetitive are most at risk, and these include jobs like telemarketers, bank tellers, or postal service workers. If a job can be done cheaper and more efficiently using automation, machines, AI, or a combination of different technologies, then it stands to reason that business owners would be more likely to cut out human workers and replace them with a more cost-effective option. 

12 Jobs That Will Never Go Away

It’s not all doom and gloom. There are plenty of jobs that won’t be replaced, at least not fully, by technology. In fact, a lot of these jobs are actually projecting a lot of growth over the next few years. 

So, if you’re wondering if your current job is safe or you’re looking for your next stable career, here are a few options to choose from.

1. Social Workers:

Social workers, counsellors, therapists, and psychologists are not at risk of having their jobs replaced for the simple reason that these jobs rely on human touch and human emotion. 

When dealing with mental health, it would be irresponsible to leave it all to AI or an automated program to handle such a delicate situation. Since workers in this field rely on forming human relationships and developing a complex understanding of different behaviours, there’s little chance that social workers, therapists, or workers in similar fields will see their jobs overtaken by machines.

2. Educators:

While AI is being used more and more in education, it is unlikely that educators themselves will see their jobs replaced by technology. Teachers work closely with their students to offer individualized education. Technology is often used in classrooms to help teachers and engage more students, but an in-person teacher offers more value and enrichment that AI simply can’t provide. 

Aside from giving students a more hands-on learning experience, educators provide empathy and develop personal relationships with their students, and this can’t be replicated with automation or any technology.

3. Medical Workers:

Just like in schools, AI is being used in medicine to make doctors’ lives easier and to improve the efficiency of administration and even medical procedures. Still, employees like doctors, nurses, and physical therapists can’t be replaced by automated processes. 

Doctors in the future are likely to work a lot more closely with technology in order to provide their patients with the most innovative and error-free procedures. However, this will only free up more time for medical workers to focus on other aspects of their jobs, like diagnosing and working with patients. 

Careers such as physical therapy rely on professionals assessing the needs of individual patients and offering treatments that are unique to each person, so this is another reason why automation won’t be able to take over this field.

doctor in surgery room checking status of patient

Source: Unsplash

4. Marketing, Design, and Advertising Professionals:

Machines are good at completing repetitive tasks in a shorter amount of time than humans. However, what they’re not good at is creative and critical thinking. 

Marketers, designers, and advertisers all rely on their ability to create and think up new ways to communicate their messages. 

Sure, these professionals can rely on automation to gather and help them analyze data, but when it comes to creating actionable plans based on that data, it will still fall on communications specialists to come up with the ideas that fuel a campaign.

5. Data Scientists:

A data scientist’s job might change in the future, but it’s unlikely to go away altogether. Since data scientists are now less concerned with gathering data points thanks to automation, they can now focus their efforts more on analyzing and understanding the information collected. 

Computers are excellent at gathering tons of information in a short amount of time relative to humans, but they’re unable to fully interpret the data in a meaningful way.

6. Dentists:

Most people don’t find going to the dentist an enjoyable experience, however, can you imagine robots prying in your mouth instead of humans? Of course, dentists use technological tools to help them in their day-to-day work, but patients know that on the other end of those tools is a certified dentist with a human touch with the ability to make your visit just a little less daunting. 

More than that, even if machines were able to take over certain procedures, as doctors, they aren’t able to diagnose problems and decide the best course of treatment.

7. Conservation Scientists:

Conservation scientists oversee environmental and forest conservation activities, such as protecting habitats and planning for harvesting and the use of forest resources. In the future, as the environment changes, this job will see a higher demand for manpower. 

Automation and AI can help with certain day-to-day tasks on the job — however, conservation scientists need to be available in order to accurately preserve our environments and forests and make quick changes or adjustments based on the environment. 

8. Cybersecurity Experts:

As technology becomes more enmeshed in nearly every profession, so does the need for cybersecurity. Many companies rely on online systems and IT programs to perform their regular tasks, so it’s more important than ever to ensure those channels are secure from cyber-attacks. 

Cybersecurity experts are becoming more in demand due to workplaces relying more and more on digital operations. Since these cybersecurity experts are the ones who create the AI or programs necessary to protect a company’s servers, it’s not likely that these jobs will be replaced with machines.

9. Artists:

If there was ever a field that requires more of human touch, it’s the arts. Painters, actors, directors, musicians, writers, and all other types of artists create personal works that can’t be replicated by machines. We rely on filmmakers, actors, and directors to create imaginative worlds and stories and bring them to life. 

Other types of creators like visual artists or musicians rely on raw emotion to create their work. Technology can try to replicate certain types of art, but without human emotion or creativity behind works of art, can it really be as meaningful?

10. Dieticians and Nutritionists:

Dieticians and nutritionists work closely with individual clients to understand their health concerns and create nutritional plans that are based on their needs. Since dieticians and nutritionists help create plans based on illnesses like obesity, diabetes or even based on age, it’s important that there is a personal and human element to these jobs. 

While diets can be automated, it’s difficult to tailor them to each person’s individual needs. 

Furthermore, humans are better able to promote healthier lifestyles than robots or machines since they have the personal and human experience to back it up.

11. Chefs:

You may have seen videos of robots making simple foods like pancakes or omelettes. While these videos and the robots themselves are impressive, they can’t be compared to food prepared with love, passion, and expertise. Chefs combine their passion and creativity for food with their expertise so that they can create new and exciting menu items. 

Robots may be able to help in the future with jobs in the fast-food industry that tends to value efficiency over quality, but they can’t duplicate the way chefs combine different flavours to create unique dishes.

12. Fitness Trainers:

A lot of people rely on tools like fitness watches or generated fitness programs to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, as fun and engaging as these tools are, it’s impossible for these or other technologies to replace the value of an in-person fitness trainer. 

Athletic trainers offer their clients motivation, enthusiasm, and personalized training to help them reach their goals. If you’re training on an athletic or professional level, then trainers are irreplaceable as they coach you through competitions and many aspects of your life, something that technology is unable to do.

The Bottom Line

Now that you have a better idea of what jobs will never go away, you can make a more informed decision on what direction you’d like your career to go in. Working with technology is nothing to be afraid of, and it’s likely that most jobs will involve a certain level of automation.

At University of the People, we believe in preparing students for a career that will last them a lifetime. Our health sciences and education programs are not only tuition-free, but they also offer students the ability to learn online at their own pace, so you can prepare yourself for a long and successful career.

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